North Cave

All Saints

Practice night: Tuesday

6 bells, 11-2-16 in G.

Total peals: 8

Total quarters: 304

The first record of bells at North cave is from 1772 when Doulton and Sons of York cast 5 bells and hung them in a wooden frame quite high in the tower, the marks of the timbers still visible. After the Great War Taylors recast the five and added a Tenor hanging them lower down the tower in a steel frame. The bells can be tricky to ring but have a fine sound.

 Map ref: SE897327 View Map

In Brief

Practices Today
Beverley (13)
Howden (8)
Kilham (6)
North Ferriby (6)
Market Weighton (8)

Peal Statistics
0 this year
0 Peal ringers
0 Conductors
1111 Peals rung to date
Changes rung to peals 5,637,114

Quarter Statistics
175 rung this year
115 Quarter peal ringers
22 Quarter peal conductors
6447 Quarters rung to date
Changes rung to quarters 8,348,015