Results from search.

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Ringer Rung in 2024Called in 2024TotalCalled
Adrian C Malton 0 0 7 6
Sue Marshall 0 0 4 2
R K Mason 0 0 1 1
David A C Matthews 0 0 8 1
Michael Maughan 0 0 8 4
Peter Mavity 0 0 276 24
Alison McCormack 0 0 5 2
Daniel J McGregor 0 0 16 2
Ross R McKenzie 0 0 72 1
Michael R McLean 0 0 93 9
Anne R Mearns (Vellacott) 0 0 85 5
Simon D Mearns 0 0 135 20
Catherine Merlane 0 0 5 1
Maris C Midgley (Stephenson) 0 0 199 22
Victoria A L Milne (Turner) 2 0 26 2
Joanne E Milner 0 0 22 1
David R Mitchell 0 0 341 86
Gwynneth C Moffatt (Ducker) 0 0 113 2
Darren R Moore 0 0 33 18
Wilfrid F Moreton 0 0 2 2
Christopher L D Munday 12 9 552 261
Mark R Murfin 0 0 17 1

In Brief

Practices Today
Kingston upon Hull (15)
Walkington (6)
Hedon (8)
Hutton Cranswick (6)

Peal Statistics
0 this year
0 Peal ringers
0 Conductors
1111 Peals rung to date
Changes rung to peals 5,637,114

Quarter Statistics
133 rung this year
103 Quarter peal ringers
19 Quarter peal conductors
6389 Quarters rung to date
Changes rung to quarters 8,273,468