Quarter Peals rung for the Society at St. Oswald, Filey.

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  Date Changes Method

28 26/9/2024 1320 Beverley Surprise Minor

27 18/7/2013 1260 Plain Bob Minor
26 2/7/2013 1260 Plain Bob Doubles

25 1/12/2007 1260 Plain Bob Minor
24 14/10/2007 1260 Doubles
23 26/2/2007 1260 Doubles (1P/4M)

22 1/1/2006 1260 Single Oxford Bob Minor

21 8/5/2005 1260 Doubles (5M)

20 19/9/2004 2004 Plain Bob Minor
19 6/6/2004 1260 Doubles (6M)
18 4/1/2004 1320 Plain Bob Minor
17 3/1/2004 1260 Plain Bob Minor

16 21/12/2003 1320 St Nicholas Doubles
15 13/7/2003 1260 Grandsire Doubles
14 4/5/2003 1260 Grandsire Doubles
13 20/3/2003 2003 Plain Bob Doubles
12 5/1/2003 1320 Doubles (3M)

11 13/10/2002 1320 St Simons Bob Doubles
10 22/9/2002 1320 Grandsire Doubles
9 31/8/2002 1320 Grandsire Doubles
8 6/8/2002 1296 Double Oxford Bob Minor
7 1/8/2002 1320 Yorkshire Day Doubles
6 14/7/2002 1320 July Doubles
5 3/6/2002 1260 Plain Bob Doubles
4 20/2/2002 2002 Doubles & Minor

3 20/6/1998 1260 Doubles (4M)

2 16/8/1997 1260 Doubles (3M)

1 4/11/1995 1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor

In Brief

Practices Today
Beverley (13)
Howden (8)
Kilham (6)
North Ferriby (6)
Market Weighton (8)

Peal Statistics
0 this year
0 Peal ringers
0 Conductors
1111 Peals rung to date
Changes rung to peals 5,637,114

Quarter Statistics
175 rung this year
115 Quarter peal ringers
22 Quarter peal conductors
6447 Quarters rung to date
Changes rung to quarters 8,348,015